Topic: Under the Sea/Writing
Grade Level: 2nd-3rd Objectives:
Grade Level: 2nd-3rd Objectives:
o Students will write at least three paragraphs describing their new ocean animal using correct capitalization and punctuation.
o Students will write complete paragraphs with introductory sentences and supporting details.
o Students will use adjectives appropriately in their description.
Missouri GLE’s: CA 1, CA 4, 1.8, 2.1, 2.2
Materials: pencil, crayons, pre-writing activity worksheet, final draft paper
Anticipatory Set: Today we are going to pretend that we have made a huge discovery! We have discovered a new sea creature that no one has ever seen before and now we have to describe it so other people and sea explorers can be on the lookout for it! First, we are going to do this as a class and then each of you are going to work on your own to describe your own sea creature!
Teacher Input/Guided Practice: First, let’s start out with five adjectives to describe our sea creature. (Take suggestions from the students and write these on the board). Now, let’s use these adjectives in a paragraph. How should we start our paragraph to grab our audiences’ attention? Now, let’s use our adjectives to create some complete sentences about our sea creature. (Write the student’s paragraph on the board as they come up with it. Then, read the paragraph out loud to the students). What do we think of our description? Will this help people be able to identify our sea creature?
Now, on your own at your desk you are going to come up with your own sea creature and description. Your descriptions must be three paragraphs long and written in complete sentences. I am going to pass out the pre writing organizer for you to fill out and organize your thoughts. This must be checked by me before you can start your final draft. Your final draft must be written on paper that I provide you with and contain an illustration of your sea creature that matches your description. Please make sure that you use your best handwriting because these will be on display for our friends to read. You will have time now and free time later to work on these. They will be due tomorrow afternoon. Materials: pencil, crayons, pre-writing activity worksheet, final draft paper
Anticipatory Set: Today we are going to pretend that we have made a huge discovery! We have discovered a new sea creature that no one has ever seen before and now we have to describe it so other people and sea explorers can be on the lookout for it! First, we are going to do this as a class and then each of you are going to work on your own to describe your own sea creature!
Teacher Input/Guided Practice: First, let’s start out with five adjectives to describe our sea creature. (Take suggestions from the students and write these on the board). Now, let’s use these adjectives in a paragraph. How should we start our paragraph to grab our audiences’ attention? Now, let’s use our adjectives to create some complete sentences about our sea creature. (Write the student’s paragraph on the board as they come up with it. Then, read the paragraph out loud to the students). What do we think of our description? Will this help people be able to identify our sea creature?
Check for Understanding: Does anybody have any questions about the instructions are what they are supposed to be doing?
Closure: Alright, if there are no more questions I will pass out the pre writing organizer for you to get started. Feel free to raise your hand if you have any questions or need help after you get started.
Independent Practice: When the students are at their desk writing on their own.
Topic: Under the Sea/Blubber
Grade Level: 2nd-3rd
Grade Level: 2nd-3rd
o Students will understand the definition of blubber.
o Students will demonstrate how blubber works by conducting an experiment with help from group members and the teacher
o Students will explain in detail how and why blubber works to keep undersea mammals warm.
Missouri GLE’s: Strand 2- Living Organisms & Characteristics: Characteristics of plants and animals, Strand 7- Scientific Inquiry
Materials: One rubber glove for each student, One large bowl per group, water, ice, solid vegetable shortening, paper, pencil
Anticipatory Set: Does anybody have any idea how underwater mammals keep themselves warm? (Take answers from the class until we get into a discussion about blubber. Write the definition of blubber on the board as the students tell you what it means). Today we are going to do an experiment to help us understand how blubber helps sea mammals stay warm.
1. Divide the class intro groups with 3-4 students in each group. Have a representative from each group collect the necessary materials.
2. Have students fill their large bowl completely with ice water.
3. After putting on their rubber glove, have students take turns submerging their hand in the ice water for thirty seconds (have another student from the group time them). Have the students record the reaction from each student in the group on a chart they make themselves.
4. Have the students repeat the procedure. This time, before they place the rubber glove on their hand they should thickly coat their hand with vegetable shortening. Have each student record their group members reaction this time.
5. Have students clean up and return to their seats.
Check Understanding: Have a class discussion about their results. Ask students why their hands felt warmer with the vegetable shortening.
Closure: What does this tell us about the function of blubber in sea mammals? After discussing, students should write a one paragraph summary in their science journals about their thoughts about the experiment, what they learned, etc.
Materials: One rubber glove for each student, One large bowl per group, water, ice, solid vegetable shortening, paper, pencil
Anticipatory Set: Does anybody have any idea how underwater mammals keep themselves warm? (Take answers from the class until we get into a discussion about blubber. Write the definition of blubber on the board as the students tell you what it means). Today we are going to do an experiment to help us understand how blubber helps sea mammals stay warm.
1. Divide the class intro groups with 3-4 students in each group. Have a representative from each group collect the necessary materials.
2. Have students fill their large bowl completely with ice water.
3. After putting on their rubber glove, have students take turns submerging their hand in the ice water for thirty seconds (have another student from the group time them). Have the students record the reaction from each student in the group on a chart they make themselves.
4. Have the students repeat the procedure. This time, before they place the rubber glove on their hand they should thickly coat their hand with vegetable shortening. Have each student record their group members reaction this time.
5. Have students clean up and return to their seats.
Check Understanding: Have a class discussion about their results. Ask students why their hands felt warmer with the vegetable shortening.
Closure: What does this tell us about the function of blubber in sea mammals? After discussing, students should write a one paragraph summary in their science journals about their thoughts about the experiment, what they learned, etc.